Not indulging in who won and who didn't, not counting the differences in the votes, not even evaluating the results of the polls through this article rather it's essence is in the backhand activities of our so called The Knights and their clunkers. The politicians in contemporary India believs in one time service(just b4 the elections) and succeed in their motives.
The same vicious circle was woven this time again. Distribution of coloured television sets, rice, wheat etc etc and on and on..... Last time expenditure on freebies to woo the voters or customers (to ask for favour in return) and you are in the main frame as the Chief Minister of a state. Some freebies are tangible in nature in some states and some are intangible in nature. Promises and short term development ideas, CHANGE and many more intangible views are sold to collect votes and you know what, you are in the frame........ Just be a great orator and throw your freebies of any nature, the better the quality of either the speech or the product the more votes you get.
I am not here to blame the candidates who are willing to sit on that powerful seat but the blame is on the people of our country. Just for a tv set give him/her the vote? What after the results of polls are out and a candidate becomes a CM? Then the same old story for the next 4 years(roads pathetic, sanitation appaling,eduaction for the children at naught etc) and then freebies in the last year.
People be pragmatic, suffering of 4 years and 1 year of products and you are satisfied and shower votes. Through freebies the candidates are stifling your democratic right and you open your mouth with same pleasure to get stuffed with the same old dirty cloth which was used 5 years back.
Stop opening up the mouth now!!!! Better starve for a year but give your blessing to a person who can take the same old cloth, wash it for you, give it to you with a neat fold to use as a hankerchief............. Think and Act
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