Monday, December 26, 2016

2016 - An Economically Eccentric Year, leading its way to a hopefully better 2017

2016 - An year with many unprecedented events economically which were only supposedly thought off in the wildest of imaginations, an year which left the globe spell bounded with the results of few referendums and the events which has left the world in awe, is about to wrap it's wings and fly off into the history books for ever.

Economically, the year of 2016 will be remembered as an year which led to the foundations of many unknown and unforeseen circumstances which were only studied as an outliers but can turn out to be a reality soon. Flatter foreign economic policies, race to bigger and better nuclear counts, bolder expenditure on arms and ammunition, skipping the globally felt and palpable geographic environment effect and racing towards boasting the economic chest when monetary and financial survival is so so imperative for some.

You might be wondering why a cloud of negativity or perceived difficulty is being imagined by the author, rather the authors are considered to spread optimism and positivity in general but why I am sharing my thoughts which are serious to ponder over here? Answer to that is, We have just witnessed few events which speaks volumes of what can go against the perceived right and it can only lead to aggravated reality of difficulty!

  • BREXIT - Britain's ouster from the monetary well knit European Union clearly highlights the fundamental void in the union. Can the think tank now atleast take the note of the woes which haunts through massive piling up of debts and it's restructuring process or will they wait and watch till Greece/Spain/Italy or any other country in the economic web ponders to do a Britain?
  • TRUMP's emphatic Victory - Known to have his views on the face, whether you like it or not, be it immigration's policy or his anger towards any specific religious sect, or be it his love for Nukes and poking the second biggest economy or almost anything and every thing. Guys, lets be prepared for some roller coaster ride wrt to Foreign/Economic/Global Environment Policies and the way Emerging/ Developed economies would respond to the same.
  • MODINOMICS - Ouster of the publicly loved and meritorious head of central bank in India to the induction of a media shy lead of the Banking Regulatory body in India, the Modinomics is not easy to study and make thesis on. India's PM is known to keep cards close to his chest and his recently lead #Demonitization has left the people of the country divided in their views. People hope and wish to get securely digitized and go the digital way to contribute in the nation's growth. Many surprises yet to unfold with 2017..
  • US FED's Rate Hike - Since 2008 the normalcy has not started to set in place. US Fed is now slowly and steadily hiking the rates with employment numbers stating the recovery in the largest economy and some public spending boost with other factors which can lead the inflation to raise few notch above and reach the target of the Fed. The emerging economies and the rest of the world would need to adjust their policies accordingly. But the frequency of the rate hike, is yet again thought provoking!
Apart from the above mentioned situations, the Syria issue, EU Migratory Issues, Curbing the Terrorist outfits' menace, Venezuela inflationary woes, US-Russia collaboration, US-China treaties and it's impact. The list can go on and on but the impact of each and every above mentioned situation/pact will have it's impact felt on each and every global citizen.

Hoping that the logical end or atleast a way would be paved to have the issues talked and studied before it goes the other way round.. Alas!! Wishing the best to everyone for days to come in 2017 and hope and prayfor fantastic health (i.e. financial & physical) to all.

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